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%PDF-1.4 Le 18 novembre, à l’âge de 83 ans, est décédée Lucille, Marie, Famienne Dulac épouse de Antonio Del Santo. 1 0 obj ^r=z��{�������#�*|C}���;�՛����|� �m�Zm��m�4?��{N�ܓQ�N-4mCv��>�s���B~%������x�(:W���P[�m�1t�ja��?��Fl^vu���M��>�I~��Q�V|���AB~��w��d[v hק�1\�g�n�l�����=�6�����K�#��!\�=9c�x�4�>Zh҆�jMk}|��q����d�h�����m3J6�$�r~ɵRQ�96�іH�c8�u?��G���a�� I)�T~�� �������t @�_���t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t @'�t |�}�������������e�����ؾ~����n�M��esx�j¡��-e��9h��������B��p��:a�њ��p{�p��G2y���䇿5�"�M�W���×����O:����Ӛ�\ܤ]s�_��O��h�UXn^�:Co�ֹ���["�m�S�+�����U�|�6�?e���~��eg��JoG�Ә#��>���Î�����ug�v����Ѿ:��ag��|Ӏ}���/�*\J�����k�?=�Cf�h�I���ֺ�{����>����������N^5Ѳ�#� ���g�����?E}���*oz�����cA��}�v��۽1�i���W��|�Lu��["ز��7FM�]�K�w��m�[!������rn^�聯�~��P=��(?�su��pk���x�.���h)�}+g;n���d�h�I���u���eI~̑��3��L~d��6���f�-��� �l�L�9 � �1��+��c�1�i��eW�8}�x�$�%��h_ۻ?{3j�����?a�I���7�m���Ю���ћ�0���7͏a���X�}e�3���v��=��h)�����^쯒飅�mȮ���k�c�y7m����l�$?w���ȏh��Q��r~]�|�����c���kN��y��ޘ�4b�Ӛ��zo��-����9���A�>yG��=HΏ��W���]ȏ��z!

En Tours, de Neustria, tránsito de san Odón, abad de Cluny, que instauró la observancia monástica según la Regla de san Benito y la disciplina de san Benito de Aniano. San Odón de Cluny. NJlϱ�?8���_X�DZ�B��h���Zo�w�y��ym��8<4}n��%2�qx��G���o�ܑ��{ :��hˮ��=B��G]�P���_dn��A}���ܳ޽b�¯����f��flS7��,���?z��r��֛_�� ��Q��QC��/k�]�swv�Õ�� {�_6b��o�)'d�f�v���e���#�v�ap4��_�������^��Ρ?��|���%��{w[gܢ�����lW�A~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �D~�� �e���� ♦ viaggio apostolico del santo padre benedetto xvi in benin (18-20 novembre 2011) (vii) visita alla basilica dell’immacolata concezione di maria di ouidah e firma dell’esortazione apostolica post-sinodale africae munus discorso del santo padre traduzione in lingua italiana traduzione in lingua Our most sincere sympathies to the family and friends of Lucille Del Santo Nee Dulac novembre 27 1933 novembre 18 2017.death notice Lucille Del Santo Nee Dulac novembre 27 1933 novembre 18 2017- mortuary notice Lucille Del Santo Nee Dulac novembre 27 1933 novembre 18 2017.Provides information on death notices published in Canada by various funeral homes.Necro Canada, a search engine specialized in obituary, daily updates the publication of notices of death,  allowing increased visibility to an additional gateway to pay a final homage to the deceased or at least pay him a posthumous tribute.You are looking for information about an ascendant, parent, grandfather, ancestor or do research for your family tree, used the search by indicating the last name only,All notices of death are indexed in their original language,Lucille Del Santo Nee Dulac novembre 27 1933 novembre 18 2017.This archive page is a cache that aims to check the legality of the content of the hyperlink and could have changed in the meantime. <>stream ver más. Santos del día 18 de noviembre. �c�]�k��q�d;�U���$��_6-T���߅��2��7@��2�vo�w�y�c���`K��1��7��������c�q�-�O�Z�5�]�|���vh_�3�3w�_��]O�_�K��1�f�x�h�i����%��;j�����$|h�AD~Dč��y��� k�B���dN{Nc�ʛ��}�BW��H������Do�w�y��q�y�w�'[B���C�Z O�����!�Z�����̹������� �m�������c ���=N�L���b��9x�`�$D3��ޘ�4b��N:9��e-b~�����A����5��U�e׀vb�� vɻ�Wo��B��\�j���߽�}��~�+܅l����!�Z���>?1>�=�=�~gB~D�?��ۺ��E����c�9����.���R=›[�����K�1�i��eW�.v��-���)��Z �l�5�]��O��p�����t.���v�G��2�w����� �_��Է����M��>Zh҆�j�K�ɼ���{�=���+� ���v-?&�f��k=�7�c{~\������ޘ�4b��s63���F["͏1t���H��0?����L~d��G�~��n)?�N����q�������Y|�7�v�Sǭ��yq�h�я�՚ֺ~ğ?����N�~EČ��g��'���?�7o��{�P䛫�o��_��N�3?u�fl>�E[Bȏ�sx���*$�?\�����k@�~��U�p�*�ڡ�p�j�����t��nǑ���B��՚��������Q�� �?6�m����ޥ��Z��p��xC��������7��X9~e&�� ��c��e=?�UX8��x����Z����K�1����4��*]�1��/3�]h�����m�_�ϟs�Ղ_�q��c��ϟ߼^&U~�Sڿ�n��W�����^�v��k��xK��1���c:�(�AK�_������Z��藯�uW����U�56q Go to SOURCE above to go to the original page.Your email address will not be published.Search engine specialized in Canadian obituaries. ?� bG���W�.����f��t���8�7�7�;�ؼ|~W�s�D�����ѽ

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