Please click the button "Send inquiry" which opens a new e-mail message. These are the detailed performance data of SSC Neapel player Arkadiusz Milik. Arkadiusz Milik, 26, from Poland SSC Napoli, since 2016 Centre-Forward Market value: 32,00 mil. Embed the squad on your homepage. Um die Seite nutzen zu können, schalten Sie bitte Ihr Javascript ein.Die Ablösesumme kann sich durch evtl. Arkadiusz Milik, 26, aus Polen SSC Neapel, seit 2016 Mittelstürmer Marktwert: 32,00 Mio. The squad overview can be embedded on the own homepage via iframe. Atlético want Suárez for free - Juventus change plans,Leon Bailey wants Premier League move - Tottenham and Everton interested,Tottenham want Patson Daka - RB Salzburg: "Not our plan to sell him". € * 28 feb. 1994 in Tychy, Polen Arkadiusz Milik - Spelersprofiel 20/21 | Transfermarkt Om deze pagina te kunnen gebruiken a.u.b. nachträgliche Bonuszahlungen auf bis zu 33.000.000 € erhöhen.Hauptposition :Letzte Änderung :Morata als Türöffner? Please add the homepage on which the squad is supposed to be embedded. Atlético will ablösefreien Suárez – Juventus denkt um,AS Rom und Neapel einigen sich auf Milik-Wechsel – Weg für Dzeko zu Juventus frei,AS Rom & Dzeko warten auf Miliks Go – Ünder vor Abschied, Einigung bei Kumbulla & De Sciglio.Transfererlöse gesamt . The squad overview can be embedded on the own homepage via iframe. € * Feb 28, 1994 in Tychy, Poland Arkadiusz Milik - Player profile 19/20 | Transfermarkt This is the news site of the SSC Neapel player Arkadiusz Milik which shows all news linked with this player. Please click the button "Send inquiry" which opens a new e-mail message. Matteo Politano : RW Manager: Gennaro Gattuso All fixtures. Arkadiusz Milik, 26, uit Polen SSC Napoli, sinds 2016 Centrumspits Marktwaarde: 32,00 mln. After receiving the request we will send the iframe as an e-mail reply.For using this site, please activate JavaScript.Morata to open the door? € * 28.02.1994 in Tychy, Polen Arkadiusz Milik - Spielerprofil 20/21 | Transfermarkt Arkadiusz Milik, 26, from Poland SSC Napoli, since 2016 Centre-Forward Market value: ₹2.67bn * Feb 28, 1994 in Tychy, Poland Polonyalı Galatasaray Milik'i ikna etmek üzere 35 milyon Euro Arkadiusz Milik Napoli'ye yakın Leverkusen leiht Stürmer Milik an Ajax Amsterdam aus Arkadiusz Milik Kévin Malcuit Informação legal | Política de Privacidade | Termos e Condições | Equipa TM | Social | Perguntas frequentes | Enviar mensagem de erro The website contains a statistic about the performance data of the player. Arkadiusz Milik : CF 21. Javascript activeren.
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