Marcel was a law school graduate and a former administrative official with the Puget-Théniers commune. This “Madame Monnier” was a 75-year-old widow named Madame Louise Monnier Demarconnay. Among her many suitors happened to be an older attorney who lived nearby with whom Blanche fell in love. Eine Verbindung, die Mutter Louise absolut missbilligte.Â.Als ihre Tochter auf einer Ehe bestand, griff die Mutter zu drastischen Maßnahmen. Monnier was rescued by police from appalling conditions, covered in old food and.One policeman described the state of Monnier and her bed thus:The unfortunate woman was lying completely naked on a rotten straw mattress.

Madame Monnier’s husband, Emile, had been the head of the local arts faculty prior to his death in 1879 while Madame Monnier herself belonged to the illustrious Poitier family (the city was named for them). Darin stand geschrieben:„Ich habe die Ehre, Sie über einen sehr ernsten Vorfall in Kenntnis zu setzen. Die nur noch 26 kg schwere Blanche Monnier hielt schützend die Hände vor die Augen. Mai 1901 erhielt. Es handelt sich um eine alte Jungfer, die im Hause der Madame Monnier festgehalten wird. Even after her lover died in 1885, the imprisonment continued while her family told everyone that she had disappeared.But it wasn’t just the Monniers who were part of the conspiracy to keep Blanche imprisoned. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Entsprechend schockiert war man, dass sich im Hause Monnier so etwas Erschütterndes ereignet haben sollte. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Her brother Marcel Monnier appeared in court, and was initially convicted, but later was,After she was released from the room, Monnier continued to suffer from mental health problems.

To this day, nobody knows who wrote the note that eventually secured Blanche’s release. Die betrübliche Geschichte von Blanche Monnier: Am 3.Mai 1901 erhielt der Generalstaatsanwalt von Paris einen Brief, in dem er erläutert wurde, dass eine prominente Familie in der Stadt ein schmutziges Geheimnis bewahre. The Most Awesome Men's Entertainment Site On The Internet.The disturbing picture above is not a still shot from a horror movie, but rather is a hospital-room photo of Blanche Monnier, a French girl who was kept captive for 25 years in a padlocked, shuttered room where she was forced to live amidst pests, rats, human excrement, and filth. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Louise und ihr Sohn Marcel leben unterdessen ganz normal im Haus weiter und gaben vor, den angeblichen plötzlichen Tod der jungen Frau zu betrauern.Vor Gericht behaupteten Louise und Marcel Monnier, Blanche sei verrückt geworden und habe nie versucht, ihrer Lage zu entfliehen. Ihr Bruder wurde wegen Mittäterschaft zu einem Jahr Haft verurteilt, aber kurz darauf wieder freigesprochen.Blanche hatte aufgrund ihres ein Vierteljahrhundert währenden Martyriums schwere bleibende psychische Schäden erlitten. Sie war umgeben von einer Kruste aus Exkrementen, Fleisch, Fisch und Gemüse, und Kakerlaken liefen über ihr Bett. In 1874, at the age of 25, she wanted to marry an older lawyer who was not to her mother Louise's liking; she argued that her daughter could not marry a "penniless lawyer". Amazingly enough, the disappearance of a young socialite had somehow taken place without any police investigation or alarm being raised by her own family. As they would later discover, she hadn’t seen the sun in nearly 25 years.

Despite the precautions of the police, a surging crowd gathered at the prison with shouts of hatred and revenge. Weighing a mere 55 pounds at the time of her discovery,  Blanche seemed incapable of any kind of coherent speech and was visibly frightened at being exposed to sunlight. Sie ist halb verhungert und lebt seit 25 Jahren von verdorbenen Abfällen und ihrem eigenen Unrat.“.Besagte Madame Louise Monnier entstammte einer hoch angesehenen Aristokratenfamilie. The judgment on October 11 raised applause in the courtroom and outside on the Palace Square, the crowd showed their approval, screaming and shouting hostile threats at the convicted man. Madame Monnier had a beautiful daughter named Blanche who had apparently vanished without a trace twenty-five years earlier.

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