Furthermore, there is likely to have been a warm bias in the tropics in the early twentieth century: this bias, implied by comparisons between Stevenson screens and the tropical sheds then in use, is confirmed by comparisons between coastal land surface air temperatures and nearby marine surface temperatures, and was probably of the order of 0.2°C.occasion to asses these discontinuities.
The elimination of months with daily data lower than 80% (Sneyers, 1990) and a quality control (QC) with the RClimDex software (Zhang and Yang, 2007) were performed before the analysis,The climate of daily precipitation in the Alps: development and analysis of a high-resolution grid dataset from pan-Alpine rain-gauge data,Isotta F, Frei C, Weilguni V, Perčec Tadić M, Lassègues P, Rudolf B, The quality of these,measurements is governed by the accuracy of the instru-,The Italian networks have experienced many techno-,logical, economical and organizational changes, which may.affect the homogeneity of the record (Acquaotta et al.geneities in meteorological time series is necessary to,achieve a comprehensive assessment of climatic changes,data review and rigorous data analysis procedures to search,and detect steps due to stations relocation. Ultimi andamenti rilevati dal radiometro su Torino (ARPA Piemonte) fonte: ARPA Piemonte Ultime mappe del radar composito (Bric della Croce e Monte Settepani - ARPA Piemonte)
F … Changes in the seasonal distribution of accumulation can lead to a bias in ice-core properties.

Furthermore, in order to better identify the periglacial domain in the basin, a map of mean annual air temperature (MAAT) was produced based on climatic analysis.In the region of the European Alps, national and regional meteorological services operate rain-gauge networks, which together, constitute one of the densest in situ observation systems in a large-scale high-mountain region. G, Vertačnik G (2013) The climate of daily precipitation in the Alps:

These homogenized datasets were assessed by a number of performance metrics including (i) the centered root mean square error relative to the true homogeneous value at various averaging scales, (ii) the error in linear trend estimates and (iii) traditional contingency skill scores. Per contro si sono registrate raffiche di vento da primato, fino a 188 chilometri orari. The daily Alpine precipitation grid dataset was developed as part of the EU funded EURO4M project and is freely available for scientific use.When a climatological station is relocated or is closing, it is often possible to join the climate observations of a nearby site to create a longer time series. Int J Climatol. As a result of adjustments, total rainfall amounts have increased by 5 to 10% in southern Canada and by more than 20% in the Canadian Arctic, compared to the original observations, while the effect of the adjustments on snowfall were larger and more variable throughout the country. A thirty‐year (1981‐2010) analysis of 60 weather stations belonging to two independent meteorological networks was performed. In relazione ai quantitativi di nuova neve previsti ancora fino alla mattinata di domani e ai venti forti il grado di pericolo raggiungerà il 4-Forte sui settori di confine tra Alpi Graie e Alpi Lepontine Nord. The following transit lines have routes that pass near Lago Agnel.Wondering how to get to Lago Agnel in Ceresole Reale, Italy? A Torino caduti 30 mm di pioggia,Un campeggio evacuato, una casa colpita da un fulmine e disagi nella circolazione: è questo l'effetto del violento temporale che nella notte si è abbattuto sul Torinese e in particolare nella zona del Gran Paradiso. In the middle of the season only in,the years 2008 and 2009 we have calculated great difference,in fresh snow and snow depth; in 2008/2009 all stations,have recorded the maximum value of snow difference for,In the Piemonte Region we have analyzed an archive with,parallel snow series. Measurements regarding the stations of Torino, Asti, Vercelli and Oropa have been extracted from the meteorological database of the ex-SIMN (Hydrographic and Mareographic National Service). Ultimo rilevamento: 12 settembre 2020 - 19:30 I dati non hanno valore ufficiale e sono soggetti a variazioni dovute a …

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