In occasione di Milano Leonardo 500 sono in programma in Castello Sforzesco tre eventi dedicati a Leonardo per celebrare i cinquecento anni dalla sua morte. These exhibitions explore various aspects of Leonardo’s art and the art of his entourage, such as the different drawing techniques the artist introduced in Milano, the engineering architectural and scientific studies, and the artistic activity during the French years.The most celebrated French painter of the seventeenth century at Palazzo Reale,Voices, music and colours in the Giardino Giancarlo De Carlo,Free admission on the first Sunday of the month,15 operas, 8 ballets, 8 symphonic concerts and 7 singing recitals,EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY 5PM. At the end of the event a charity auction of the works is proposed, in favor of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie.Il Concorso è organizzato dall'Assessorato all'Educazione e Istruzione del Comune di Milano, dal Comando 1ª Regione Aerea dell’Aeronautica Militare, in collaborazione con “Ufficio Scolastico della Lombardia – AT Milano”.Gli elaborati saranno giudicati da una giuria di esperti e da tutti i cittadini tramite voto online.Discover two years of events and exhibitions to celebrate the 500th anniversary of…,A single discounted ticket to visit 5 Museums connected to Leonardo da Vinci,Visit the city through the milestone tour: see and imagine Leonardo's Milano,The most celebrated French painter of the seventeenth century at Palazzo Reale,Voices, music and colours in the Giardino Giancarlo De Carlo,Free admission on the first Sunday of the month,15 operas, 8 ballets, 8 symphonic concerts and 7 singing recitals,EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY 5PM. MILANO – Da oggi e sino al 6 gennaio 2020, tutti i giorni dalle ore 18 alle ore 19, uno scenografico e grande mapping, proiettato sulla Torre del Filarete e visibile dal Cortile delle Armi, racconta in maniera evocativa la straordinaria festa che suggellò più di 500 anni fa al Castello Sforzesco le nozze tra Gian Galeazzo Sforza, nipote di Ludovico il Moro, e Isabella d’Aragona. The focuses presented concern: the weaving of ropes and knots (a clear reference to the motif painted on the vault of the Sala delle Asse); horses and projects for equestrian monuments; studies of heads and the caricature.Multimedia presentation of Leonardo’s places in Lombardy:These exhibitions explore various aspects of Leonardo’s art and the art of his entourage, such as the different drawing techniques the artist introduced in Milano, the engineering architectural and scientific studies, and the artistic activity during the French years.First part till March 17th 2019, second part March 19th – June 16th 2019,From September 17th 2019 till March 1st 2020.At the Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia (Science and Technology Museum) an interactive laboratory is dedicated to Leonardo. The installation Atlantico by Favini has as topic the fog and will be on display at the Galleria d’Arte Moderna. Fashion as a glue of Art all over the world, projects the splendor of the artist and scientist and gathers different exponents of this discipline to put together various ingredients of design and fashion. La statua di Leonardo le starà vicino tutta la notte: il tempo del racconto. Created by Associazione Atelier Spazio Xpò as good renovation practices, within an "urban" itinerary to important spots of the city loved by the Milanese, with Leonardo as the main character.The artist Elisabetta Mastro wanted to pay her personal tribute to the great Renaissance inventor with one of her murals, in which his masterpiece (The Last Supper) is revisited in a new, personal interpretative key, with an essential trait, emphasis on colour and subtle play, segmented by infinite form-suggested nuances.A work of digital painting, the result of a long creative and research process on the theme and the characters of The Last Supper. Visual identity and exhibition graphics for Leonardo da Vinci exhibition at Castello Sforzesco in occasion of the “Milan and Leonardo 500” program. - The City at your side during the self-isolation period…,From September to December, ready for more than 60 shows,Subscribe to our newsletter for news, events and tips to discover Milano,After submitting the form, check your inbox to confirm your registration,Sala delle Asse. Monochrome - Photo by Mauro Ranzani,Leonardo’s Sala delle Asse is once again open to visitors after the removal of scaffoldings that were used for the restoration works. In occasione di Milano Leonardo 500 sono in programma in Castello Sforzesco eventi dedicati a Leonardo per celebrare i cinquecento anni dalla sua morte. Nota bene: le mostre di Leonardo mai visto al Castello Sforzesco e la Sala delle Asse chiuderanno il 19 aprile 2020. Visually started from the point indicated by Leonardo, at the very moment when Christ says “one of you will betray me”.

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