Full ticket € 5,00 Reduced € 3,00. The bunker-like appearance of the exterior, with its high and windowless walls is rendered lighter and more appealing by the addition of three portico wings in which, in line with the wishes of Galeazzo Maria Sforza, the capitals of the columns are adorned with the coats of arms of the Visconti and Sforza families. We recommend booking Musei del Castello Sforzesco tours ahead of time to secure your spot. If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel up to 24 hours before your tour starts for a full refund. The objects sent a provocative message to the traditional culture of design. Inaugurated in 1878, the gallery displays over 230 artworks, which include masterpieces by Titian, Andrea Mantegna, Canaletto, Antonello da Messina, Pisanello, Vincenzo Foppa, Giovanni Bellini, Correggio, Bernardino Luini, Lorenzo Lotto, Tintoretto and others. Parte integrante del Museo delle Arti Decorative, il Museo dei Mobili si è formato grazie a donazioni, lasciti testamentari e con l’acquisto, nel 1908, della collezione dei Mora, una famiglia di ebanisti di origine bergamasca che, ormai da tempo a Milano, aveva una celebre bottega in via Solferino. Admission to Museums and temporary exhibitions is limited,© Castello Sforzesco | Piazza Castello - 20121 Milano -.allow admission to all the Castle Museums.Museo Archeologico - Sezione Preistoria e Protostoria,Raccolta delle Stampe "Achille Bertarelli",Archivio Storico Civico e Biblioteca Trivulziana,Casva (Centro di Alti Studi sulle Arti Visive),VADEMECUM visitatori Musei Castello 25 giugno-7 ottobre 2020.pdf,modulo accettazione misure ingresso Musei.pdf,Book Sforza Castle Secret tour - Ad Artem,Book Sforza Castle's museum tour - Ad Artem,Book Sforza Castle Secret tour and museums - Opera d'Arte. Si avvisa che sono temporaneamente chiusi: il Museo dei Mobili e delle Sculture Lignee, la Pinacoteca e la Sezione Egizia. Sforza Castle (Italian: Castello Sforzesco) is in Milan, northern Italy.It was built in the 15th century by Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, on the remnants of a 14th-century fortification.Later renovated and enlarged, in the 16th and 17th centuries it was one of the largest citadels in Europe. Nel Novecento il nucleo si è ampliato grazie all’eredità di famiglie come i In the evocative setting of the Ducal Chambers it is possible to retrace six centuries of the history of furniture, recreated in four main sections. Tourist Museum Card (validità 3 giorni) € 12,00 Abbonamento Musei Lombardia Milano (validità un anno) € 45,00 (27-64 anni), € 20,00 (6-14 anni), € 30,00 (15-26 anni), € 35,00 (over 65 anni) History. Castello Sforzesco - Piazza Castello - 20121 Milano. The next section, "The Scholar’s Room the Wunderkammer" takes visitors to the world of furniture intended for A fortress within the fortress, the Rocchetta was, for a brief period, the refuge of Bona di Savoia, who commissioned the construction of the high tower, before Ludovico il Moro assumed power. Ettore Sottsass, Casablanca Sideboard, decorated plastic laminate, 1981, Memphis edition 2003 (inv. I Musei e le mostre del Castello Sforzesco restano temporaneamente chiusi al pubblico fino a nuove disposizioni, in ottemperanza al DPCM del 8.03.2020 in materia di contenimento del contagio da Covid-19 (Coronavirus) e successivi adeguamenti. The Museum is temporarily closed to the public until further notice in accordance with the Government decrees concerning urgent measures against the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The first, "The Court and the Church", contains 15th century furniture, luxurious wedding chests and wooden sculptures. ... Il Museo dei Mobili e delle Sculture Lignee e la Pinacoteca restano temporaneamente chiusi al pubblico per ragioni tecniche, in ottemperanza all'Ordinanza n. 566 del 12/06/20 della Regione Lombardia in materia di prevenzione e gestione dell'emergenza epidemiologica da Covid-19. Admission to Museums and temporary exhibitions is limited On the side facing the the Ducal Courtyard, the coats of arms that have the addition of a half moon, the symbol of the Spanish castle governor Alvaro de Luna, indicate areas dating to the 1500s. 02.88463700 Tuesday-Sunday 9.00-12.00/14.00-17.00 Admission ticket Thursday-Sunday 9.00-17.30. The following Museums are temporarily closed: Museo dei Mobili e delle Sculture lignee, Museo d'Arte Antica and Egyptian Section. Founder of the Italian architecture and design collective Memphis, active between 1981 and 1987, Ettore Sottsass (1917-2007), together with the collective, created a series of exclusive designer pieces made of non-precious materials such as plastic laminates and characterized by lively colors and original forms. Per l' Art Nouveau week, entriamo nel Museo dei Mobili e delle Sculture Lignee del Castello Sforzesco con Opera d'Arte per una pillola d'arte dedicata ad alcuni originali arredi liberty. A fortress within the fortress, the Rocchetta was, for a brief period, the refuge of Bona di Savoia, who commissioned the construction of the high tower, before Ludovico il Moro assumed power.

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