He is regularly seen taking selfies with those keen to pose with him.In previous years, many ordinary Italians would have been extremely reluctant to stand alongside the standard-bearer of a northern-led party which denigrated southerners, Europeans, and migrants. This sets him up in direct opposition to France's President Emmanuel Macron, the de facto leader of the continent's liberal movements. In a country full of paunch proverbs, (“A man without a paunch is like a sky without stars”) Mr. Salvini has made his soft stomach a validator of his Made-in-Italy authenticity and a feature of his common touch. "Let's make ourselves ready," he later told his supporters in Bergamo in northern Italy, adding: "In the next election we will return and take this country in hand for the next 10 years. The polls show that he’s right and that the Italians agree with Salvini,” said Senator Daniela Santanchè, a member of the right-wing Brothers of Italy, who said she hoped Mr. Salvini would ditch his coalition partner and join with her party in new elections.She added that she could “never attack beach culture” because she herself owned a beach club in Tuscany. A break-up of Italy - the Northern League's main focus - was not likely to happen. Standing smoking in his green puffer jacket, he blended in with his bodyguards and aides.Politicians in Italy tend to prefer the tailored suit and shirt, the kind that makes them stand out from their supporting cast.Not so Salvini. It has become Italy’s ultimate power paunch.“A man with a paunch,” he said in Sabaudia on Wednesday, “is a man with substance.”.This summer, Mr. Salvini’s midriff has moved to the center of Italy’s navel-gazing political universe. C'è uno splendido senso di comunità","Europa, Marine Le Pen preferisce Salvini e la Lega Nord a Beppe Grillo",Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity,Italian Democratic Party of Monarchist Unity,Early 20th-century Italian political parties,https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Us_with_Salvini&oldid=976651227,Articles with disputed statements from May 2020,Articles containing Italian-language text,Articles with unsourced statements from September 2019,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License,This page was last edited on 4 September 2020, at 05:45. "How many migrants are you hosting at home?" That's a character. - Manifestazione indetta dal segretario della Lega Nord Matteo Salvini (28 February 2015)","A Bologna il raduno del centrodestra, Berlusconi: "Con Matteo, Giorgia e Silvio vinceremo,"Berlusconi, Salvini e Meloni: "Uniti vinceremo le elezioni con il 40%" FOTO VIDEO - Politica - iltempo","Di Stefano (CasaPound): "Ritorno al passato, a Bologna la stessa foto del 1994. ".During the 2018 general election campaign, he called migrants "an army of benefit thieves and criminals". ","Stop bullying migrants," she urges him. On the occasions he does put on a tie, it is almost invariably loosened at the collar.Outside the event in Rome, journalists waited politely as Salvini smoked and checked his phone. Salvini translates these ideas into television language - ideas that were born in incubators of the extreme right in Italy and Europe. Business Manager. Salvini faces new trial after right-winger's immunity is stripped in migration row. [Act like] a minister. The party believed that the south of Italy was holding back the more affluent north, and its members enjoyed joking in their chants that southerners were dirty and lazy.In Italy, all political parties operate their own mini-states. ".Salvini's anti-southern views even overshadowed his own 2003 wedding to Fabrizia Ieluzzi. As for his paunch, she reminded that “many Italian women like a man with a belly,” but said she was not one of them.“If I were him,” she said. Salvini had provoked the fall of his own coalition. ","Salvini fa flop a Nord e Sud, se voleva essere leader del centrodestra ora dovrà rivedere i piani","Comune di Roma - Lazio - Elezioni Comunali - Risultati - Ballottaggio - 5 giugno 2016","Comune dell'Aquila - Abruzzo - Elezioni Comunali Italia - Risultati - 11-25 giugno 2017 - la Repubblica.it","Comune di Ladispoli - Lazio - Elezioni Comunali Italia - Risultati - 11-25 giugno 2017 - la Repubblica.it","Comune di Guidonia Montecelio - Lazio - Elezioni Comunali Italia - Risultati - 11-25 giugno 2017 - la Repubblica.it","Comune di Fonte Nuova - Lazio - Elezioni Comunali Italia - Risultati - 11-25 giugno 2017 - la Repubblica.it","Comune di Cerveteri - Lazio - Elezioni Comunali Italia - Risultati - 11-25 giugno 2017 - la Repubblica.it","Comune di Mondragone - Campania - Elezioni Comunali Italia - Risultati - 11-25 giugno 2017 - la Repubblica.it","Comune di Santeramo in Colle - Puglia - Elezioni Comunali Italia - Risultati - 11-25 giugno 2017 - la Repubblica.it","XVIII Legislatura - Deputati e Organi - Modifiche intervenute","senato.it - Senato della Repubblica senato.it - Variazioni dei Gruppi parlamentari","Centrodestra.

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