231/2001”. 5. Italiano; English; The Professionals. +39 0577 04033 Fax +39 0577 044461 Mail: studio@dmlex.it VAT Registration No. Studio dell’ Avvocato Enrico de Martino Via dei Rossi 44, 53100 Siena Tel. Studio dell'Avvocato Enrico de Martino. 01224030526 Curriculum Vitae. 231/2001 (administrative liability for legal entities) and all relating matters of litigation … 5 out of 5 stars. Born in Naples in 1957, he graduated with honours from the University of Siena in 1979. +39 0577 04033 Fax +39 0577 044461 Mail: studio@dmlex.it VAT Registration No. Lawyer & Law Firm in Siena, Italy. Studio dell’ Avvocato Enrico de Martino Via dei Rossi 44, 53100 Siena Tel. 231/2001 (Responsabilità amministrativa degli enti), sia in fase contenziosa che in sede stragiudiziale. Enrico de Martino Lawyer Curriculum Vitae. See more of Studio dell'Avvocato Enrico de Martino on Facebook. Community See All. Enrico de Martino; Beniamino Schiavone; Lorenzo de Martino; Giulia Zani; See all; Contact ; Eng . Not Now. Studio dell’ Avvocato Enrico de Martino Via dei Rossi 44, 53100 Siena Tel. 17 people … 17 people like this. Enrico de Martino; Beniamino Schiavone; Lorenzo de Martino; Giulia Zani; See all; Contact ; Eng . Forgot account? The registered headquarters of Enrico de Martino’s Law Firm is situated in the historic centre of Siena, no. 6 Legislative Decree no. Born in Florence in 1992, she graduated with honours from the University of Siena in 2015, with a degree in Administrative Criminal Law (Legislative Decree no. A member of the Bar of Lawyers of Siena since 2009, he has developed specific interest and unequivocal experience in the field of criminal law during the course of his professional training within the Law Firm Enrico de Martino Foreign language: English. 231/2001), entitled “Subjects in Senior Positions and Institutional Organisational Models, Art. Enrico de Martino Lawyer Curriculum Vitae. Italiano; English; Contact. 44, via dei Rossi, and continues to offer its clients – both private and corporate – for over thirty years, professional legal assistance for all issues relating to criminal law, commercial law and bankruptcy law as well as d.lgs. Log In. Born in Naples in 1957, he graduated with honours from the University of Siena in 1979. or. Lo Studio dell’Avvocato Enrico de Martino offre da oltre trent’anni ai propri clienti – persone fisiche o realtà industriali – assistenza legale per le problematiche attinenti al Diritto penale, Diritto commerciale e fallimentare, nonché d.lgs. +39 0577 04033 Fax +39 0577 044461 A lawyer since 1982, he is a registered Lawyer who has practiced before the Supreme Court since 1996. Create New Account. 01224030526
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