Alberto Minetti and Yuri Ivanenko accept their group's Ig Nobel – the latter, notably, while wearing swim fins. %PDF-1.3 Same goes for those who've never watched the Ig Nobels. 18 0 R /Fm2 15 0 R >> >> 1,042 Followers, 468 Following, 155 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mariella Minetti (@mmarielllaa) stream INTRODUCTION. xuS]o1|�_�

Awards went to researchers who ate a shrew for science, played opera for mice and stuck small hats … stream Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek (right) presents Alberto Minetti (left) and Yuri Ivanenko with the Ig Nobel Physics Prize for their research on how humans could run across a pool of water on the Moon. A new study says that a surefire way to boost your confidence is to…,We humans like to think that that we're the only ones who figured out how to navigate using the….In 2008, a team of Japanese researchers developed a way to extract vanilla flavoring from cow dung.Nope, I think I'm better off not knowing.Horrifying MLB The Show Glitch Is Not Okay,The Revision of Paris Hilton's Story Is Missing Something: Her History With the N-Word,A new collection reveals Prince’s artistic scope at the height of his powers,Nvidia Sorry That Bots Bought A Ton Of RTX 3080s,Hi, My Gay Boys! Katharine McPhee Supports the Republicans' Senate Majority,"Auditory stimulation of opera music induced prolongation of murine cardiac allograft survival and maintained generation of regulatory CD4+CD25+ cells,".for confirming, by experiment, that people who think they are drunk also think they are attractive. /DeviceCMYK /I true /K false >> >> R� )JP �ѕ4�(6�)J �( R�� JR� )_(ؐ( �J�Fޫ�"+�!�T�. 5 0 obj "Are Cows More Likely to Lie Down the Longer They Stand? 40 endobj 1 /BBox [42 156 540 590] /Resources 17 0 R /Group << /S /Transparency /CS 9 0 obj endobj stream endobj The Medicine Prize for the discovery that mice recover faster from heart transplants when they listen to opera. << /ProcSet [ /PDF ] /ExtGState << /Gs10 28 0 R /Gs9 29 0 R /Gs1 27 0 R >> You can also tune into.Here now is the full list of this year's winners!Want to feel more attractive? << /Length 16 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form /FormType 8 0 obj ������1Ѐ�Ԑ�x����4���*���k!t:�o���niF[�x$ E�t���. �+N6V�m�ޫ��o�߾;����W����b�J��k�d�5�;��N�bd#�9�xV�v8 ���\����3�б�7�����3t������%a��p*�8q0L"k��%��E�`����s�f�I� 3 0 obj !���;~y`�~@�$�t 7 0 obj x+TT(T0 BSKSC��T�p�}�\C�|�@ � The recipients of the joint prize in astronomy and biology came wielding giant yoga balls (to represent giant balls of dub) and bounced them in unison while singing the praises of "crappy" research. Any quotation of products belonging to the Minotti S.p.A. collection carried out by unauthorized parties who are not members of this section, must be considered doubtful and unofficial. /I true /K false >> >> Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek (right) presents Alberto Minetti (left) and Yuri Ivanenko with the Ig Nobel Physics Prize for their research on how humans could run across a pool of water on the Moon.The American Physical Society (APS) is a nonprofit membership organization working to advance the knowledge of physics.Open Access Mandate will Include Raw Data,US Physics Enrollments Continue to Set Records,2013 Blewett Fellows Integrate Family and Physics Careers,APS President Visits Vietnam for Physics Event,Panel Contemplates Choices on Snowmass Menu,Zero Gravity: The Lighter Side of Science,APS Committee on International Freedom of Scientists.The first joint Prize in Biology and Astronomy for research that used tiny hats to show that dung beetles use the Milky Way to navigate at night when there's no moon.The Chemistry Prize for discovering the chemical process that makes a person cry while cutting onions.The Psychology Prize for experiments showing that people who think they are drunk also think they are attractive. endstream %&'()*56789:DEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������� � !1"AQ2aq���BR���r���� 17 0 obj << /Length 6 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >>

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