di almeno 22 morti e 20 feriti il bilancio di un incidente stradale avvenuto a sud di Manila, dove un autobus che viaggiava su una sopraelevata uscito di strada. Con incidente di Mainila (in finlandese: Mainilan laukaukset) si intende il bombardamento da parte dell'esercito dell'URSS del villaggio russo di Mainila (nei pressi di Beloostrov) avvenuto durante la Seconda guerra mondiale, a seguito del quale il governo sovietico accusò la Finlandia, dando inizio così il 30 novembre 1939 alla cosiddetta guerra d'inverno Tre soldati indiani sono stati uccisi in uno scontro violento al confine cinese, ha detto martedì l’esercito indiano, dopo settimane di crescenti tensioni e lo spiegamento di migliaia di truppe extra da entrambe le parti.Le risse scoppiano regolarmente tra i due giganti armati nucleari attraverso la loro controversa frontiera di 3.500 chilometri (2.200 miglia), ma nessuno è stato ucciso in … per documenti, relazioni, documenti, progetti, idee, documentazione, riassunti, sondaggi o tesi. 8647, which was signed,27,000 taxi units granted special permits, 25 NCR bus routes opened – DOTr,MANILA, Philippines — Almost 27,000 taxi units have been granted special permits to operate while 25 city bus routes and 28 point-to-point bus routes were opened to transport,Recoveries exceed fresh coronavirus cases in a day,Cebu City back to ECQ; no easing in Metro Manila.There are no changes in the quarantine restrictions in Metro Manila, but Cebu City has reverted to the strictest lockdown scenario due to the rising number of coronavirus disease 2019 cases that threaten to overwhelm the city’s healthcare capacity.US ‘concerned’ over Maria Ressa’s conviction for cyber libel.The United States is concerned by the trial court’s verdict against journalists Maria Ressa and Reynaldo Santos, US State Department spokesman Morgan Ortagus said in a statement.You can still be sued for a 12-year old libelous social media post,The court conviction of Rappler CEO and Executive Editor Maria Ressa has solidified the debate whether or not you can still be sued for articles, blog,After Ressa’s conviction, health workers fear cyberlibel for criticizing gov’t on social media,MANILA, Philippines – With the conviction of Rappler chief executive officer Maria Ressa, members of the Alliance of Health Workers (AHW) are now asking whether frontliners who criticize government,Duterte ‘inclined’ to sign anti-terror bill as Palace reviews measure.President Rodrigo Duterte is ‘inclined’ to sign a tougher anti-terrorism bill that has sparked protests, his spokesman said Tuesday, after lawmakers submitted a copy of the measure to Malacañang.Duterte to tackle quarantine with business groups.President Duterte wants to meet with business groups to discuss possible adjustments to quarantine measures as well as ways to reopen the pandemic-battered economy.LTFRB eyes around 100 jeepney routes once Metro Manila GCQ is lifted.Transport authorities have identified around 100 jeepney routes that will open once Metro Manila’s general community quarantine is lifted.Man brings wife to dialysis center using bike attached to wheelchair.For three days every week, Manolito Palacio brings his wife Marilou to a dialysis center for treatment using a bike attached to a wheelchair.Steroid reduces risk of dying in sickest coronavirus patients, preliminary study results suggest,The widely available steroid drug dexamethasone may be key in helping to treat the sickest COVID-19 patients in the hospital who require ventilation or oxygen, according to researchers in the United Kingdom,Life-saving coronavirus drug ‘major breakthrough’.Patients should be given the cheap drug without delay, after “fantastic” trial results, experts say.Indian and Chinese troops in deadly border clash.Three Indian soldiers were killed in a violent face-off on the Chinese border, the Indian army said Tuesday, following weeks of rising tensions and the deployment of thousands of extra troops from both sides.North Korea blows up liaison office with South Korea in most serious provocation in years.A senior administration official said the American government was aware of the North Korean move and that the U.S. was in close coordination with its South Korean allies.Three US Navy aircraft carriers are patrolling the Pacific Ocean at the same time. Si vede il mese di Luglio come il mese di svolta, auguriamocelo tutti.Nel frattempo più taxi e Bus per tutti, ha garantito il permesso il DOTr (dipartimento dei trasporti), ma la foto del marito che porta sua moglie al centro di dialisi in bici è emblematica forse del fatto che la città sovrapopolata di Metro Manila e dei suoi lavoratori necessiti ben di più di questi numeri.

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